Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Woman's Choice and A Male's Ego

The statistics found in the Harry Bridgehouse survey taken at the University of Wisconsin-Michigan reflected that expectations of mother-led parenting persist among our generation: males, in particular, find females to be the mothering sex in which the mother spends substantially more time than the father looking after their wellbeing (Hess, par 3). In today’s society a majority of males still consider themselves the dominant sex. Through the Sexist Blog by Amanda Hess she details the statistics found by this survey. She is proud that the quiz and the answers do not apply to her, as she did not baby-sit in high school and does not plan on having children. (Hess, par 2) Only 5 percent of males baby-sit according to the survey (Hess, par 4). Males aren’t the most reliable and mature individuals during their teen-age years. Most women in this survey pictured themselves in an egalitarian family, while most males pictured themselves in a woman-dominated family: the problem is males have a complex about not providing for their family. There should be a median: an egalitarian family (Hess, par 4). 

Hess writes with pride that she won’t have children (Hess, par 3). However while not having children is an option in today’s society, it shouldn’t be. But because of people such as the octo-mom: Nadya Suleman, a woman who gave birth to 8 babies, people feel that there are enough babies in the world. Yes, a woman can go through life without having children. But if one focus’s on the basic rules for the continuation of the human race: in order for the human race to exist the human race must reproduce. As much as there is the choice of having babies or not having babies in a woman’s life one should not base the that decision on the type of family one might have. Can you imagine if all women decide to quit having children? Or, what if a woman decides that her career is more important than having a family? As an employee at a nursery, I would not want that to happen. Eventually, there would be no more children thus ending my job. Also if woman continue to focus solely on their job slowly and slowly the human race would get older and eventually die out. 

Yes, women have the choice whether to have babies or not but maybe more women would chose to reproduce more often if they knew what family their child would grow up in. For a successful woman leaving their job cold turkey is not really an option. Women need to know that males, their husbands, can handle an egalitarian family without getting their egos bruised. Women need to have confidence that they can work and their husband can work and the child will still be all right. A good example: me. I’ve grown up in an egalitarian family and have come out without any lasting damage ☺. 

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